Its a selfish person who says they don’t need Jesus, its not about you. Jesus looks at this world and sees all the pain and suffering and we look back at him and wag the finger saying well if you were real you would come and make it all perfect surly?
But Jesus looks back and says lets do something about it together, if your blaming me you must believe in me otherwise you wouldn’t be talking to me as if I was real, If i'm real then the only question why are you questioning GOD? Is it that you think you know better? Do you look at the whole world, do you see every human heart?
Have given your only son in the battle to make things right? Can you look the sick, doing, lame, blind, single mum, drug addict, suicidal teenager in the eye and offer hope for a future beyond what they see around them? If so then step up to the mark, create an organisation that can carry your message all around the world, every hour of every day constantly from this point on and forever. If your message is so good let it stand the test of time, would people die for it, would people build their lives around you, right songs, poetry, paint, build design amazing landmarks of beauty so that people can be drawn to the message of Hope and know that all this pain is not all there is that there is life beyond, their is justice, there is a reward.
If you cant, then turn around and look for someone else to wag the finger at, maybe Buddha, Muhammad, the American president, the coalition government, your dad! OR you could sit down stop complaining, stop looking for a scape goat, stop being angry at those who have a hope and try and figure out what your going to do about your world, country, city, school, work place, family...and you.
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