Wednesday, 15 September 2010


Practical Christianity.(Galations 5)

So people say Christians are a bit fruity, to many fruit loops in the church!!! well... I can never have too much fruit.... but more of that later!

meanwhile back at the ranch...

here is a quick little blogg of some of the things I have learnt about how to do this thing called Christianity, how to become more like the person I am following when I cant 'see' him, 'hear' him, 'touch' him in the same way I do with my other relationships....

Fill your ears with his words and songs, Let your mind be filled with his promises:

1. Podcasts
2. Worship music
3. Listen to the bible
4. Discuss with friends

Surround yourself with people who know Jesus better than you, for longer than you.

1. Get a role model
2. Give others permission to tell you what to do
3. Be in church at as many events as possible.
4. Ask questions all the time.

Keep changing where you meet Jesus and what you do when you meet him.

1. Physical location
2. Read the word in chunks, in bits, sing, shout, lye in your back listening to music for an hour.
3. Walk, run.
4. blogg

Experiment with the spirit.

1. Pray for people
2. Ask for stuff
3. Ask him to touch your mind, body and spirit.

let me know how it goes as you put these things into practice...I guarantee your life will start to change and you will start to be a little bit more like the Christians that Paul describes in Galatians 5...CHECK IT OUT and get fruity!!!!

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